Power Animal Retrieval is a Core Shamanic method to restore power loss, revitalize energy, and connection to spirit. A power animal is a compassionate helping spirit that comes embodied as an animal. This animal offers great wisdom, lessons, support, and guidance, as well as, protection. It may come as a guide for a specific time, situation, or stick around with you throughout life. In the first few minutes of the mini session Meredith will help you open to receive and relax through guided breath, grounding meditation, or hands on reiki and craniosacral therapy. She will then drum or rattle as she enters a visionary journey state to find your power animal and deliver it to you. You may even receive a brief message when your spirit animal arrives. Meredith will give you recommendations for connecting and continued relationship with your spirit helper plus offer future opportunities to learn the core shamanic journey practice for direct connection to your helping spirit. If interested in learning how to journey on your own for answers to the deeper questions in life, creativity, inner guidance, healing purposes, and greater connection with spirit helpers receiving a power animal is the first step into the core shamanic journey practice.
You may come with a purpose, intention, or situation for healing that you are seeking a spirit helper for or come with just a desire to meet your spirit animal.
15 minutes - $20