Mini Tarot Readings with Shakti Witch:
Come sit with Tracey Lanham (Shakti Witch) for a mini, quick-fire 10-15 minute tarot reading. We'll use the cards to reveal the energies behind current events or particular situations in your life. Choose to do a general reading (where you are, what to expect coming up, challenges that may arise, strengths possessed) or focus on a situation in your life that is taking up significant mental or emotional energy.
Cost is $20 for one 10-15 minute mini reading.
Tracey Lanham, Shakti Witch, is an intuitive tarot reader who uses cards as both a spiritual and psychological tool. For her, tarot connects us to the well of information that exists in the universe and taps into messages from The Divine that we may have always known, but needed help to hear. Tracey uses tarot to help bring into conscious awareness our own subconscious wisdom and intuitive knowledge and to unpack the energies surrounding a situation so that deeper understanding and informed decision-making can occur.
Tracey has long been fascinated with the unseen, the energetic and the divine. Since she was a child, the world behind the veil was as real to her as conventional reality. Tracey is a trained and certified tarot card guide, an energetic pathfinder, a yoga teacher, a mudra teacher, a flower essence consultant, a space-holder for ritual and an herbalist-in-training. Tracey has years of training and embodied practice in tarot, yoga, devotion, ritual, Goddess & Priestess lineages, Paganism, divination and magick.