Herbal Foot Tea
Rose Petals, Lemon Balm, & Peppermint Leaves (100% Organic)
Directions: Add about 2 Tablespoons of herbs to a tea bag. Place bag in foot soak basin and pour hot water (approximately 1 gallon) over it to create a tea. Add a few Tablespoons of optional Epsom Salt. Once the water is a comfortable temperature, place feet in basin, sit back, & enjoy!
O.5 oz pouch
Rose Petals, Lemon Balm, & Peppermint Leaves (100% Organic)
Directions: Add about 2 Tablespoons of herbs to a tea bag. Place bag in foot soak basin and pour hot water (approximately 1 gallon) over it to create a tea. Add a few Tablespoons of optional Epsom Salt. Once the water is a comfortable temperature, place feet in basin, sit back, & enjoy!
O.5 oz pouch
Rose Petals, Lemon Balm, & Peppermint Leaves (100% Organic)
Directions: Add about 2 Tablespoons of herbs to a tea bag. Place bag in foot soak basin and pour hot water (approximately 1 gallon) over it to create a tea. Add a few Tablespoons of optional Epsom Salt. Once the water is a comfortable temperature, place feet in basin, sit back, & enjoy!
O.5 oz pouch